Hammers, hypocrites and hope
‘So then, whoever disobeys even the least important of the commandments and teaches others to do the same, will be least in the Kingdom of heaven. On the other hand, whoever obeys the Law and teaches others to do the same, will be great in the Kingdom of heaven. I tell you, then, that you will be able to enter the Kingdom of heaven only if you are more faithful than the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees in doing what God requires.’ (verses 19, 20)
Read Matthew 5: 17-20
One of the hardest things about being a parent is setting the right example. For instance, you’re hammering in a nail when it decides to jump out of the way and you hammer your thumb instead. It’s difficult to simply say, ‘Oh dear’. But that’s what you must do if your child is watching, otherwise the next day you’ll hear them saying the same words you did. If they’re told off, their response is simple: ‘But that’s what daddy (or mummy) says!’ Of course, the experienced parent has the perfect reply: ‘Do as I say, not as I do’.
That response won’t work with Jesus. He wants actions as well as words. You might think that’s tough, but Jesus knows his message of love and hope will be rejected if people see a gap between what you say you believe and what you actually do in your life. It leaves you open to the accusation of ‘hypocrite’. And as soon as people can label Christians hypocrites, it gives them a reason to close their mind and heart. And that’s fatal. So, do as Jesus says, do as Jesus does. Then people will see what Jesus’ love really is. They’ll want that love too. And that gives life – what the kingdom of heaven is all about.
OK, Jesus, I hear what you’re saying. I’ll try to do my best to match my actions with my words. But without your strength, I know I’ll fail. So help me, please. Amen.
by contributor, in ‘Direction for each Day’ (LCA, Openbook, 2006)
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